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Why Do My Teeth Hurt After Flossing?

Woman with sore mouth.

While flossing each day is something we’re supposed to do, it’s no secret that many people don’t. Yet when you do floss, do you ever notice sore teeth or tender gums? If so, you’re not alone.

Here are a few common culprits of mouth pain after flossing and a few ways to fix it.

1. You may not be flossing enough. If you’re an infrequent flosser, when you do floss, you might notice bleeding or inflamed gums that are painful immediately after. The best way to fix this is to floss more often.

2. You may have a cracked or chipped tooth. Sometimes, chips and cracks can be so small that they’re hard to see unless you look closely. If you have one specific area of your tooth that always hurts after flossing, this could be the case.

3. You have an orthodontic appliance. Sometimes, flossing or brushing can irritate your orthodontic appliance, whether it’s a removable retainer or traditional metal wires. Wires are typically more problematic when it comes to flossing, as it can be difficult to get in between the crevices of your teeth. A broken bracket or wire may also lead to pain in the mouth.

4. You’re brushing or flossing too much or too hard. We recommend using a soft bristled toothbrush so that you don’t irritate your teeth and gums. More so, flossing shouldn’t be painful and there’s no need to be forceful between your teeth. Instead, flossing should be carried out gently between each tooth.

5. You need a different kind of floss. Some people with sensitive teeth and gums prefer a Waterpik water flosser to a traditional string. The Waterpik uses water to irrigate debris trapped between your teeth and gums.

If pain after flossing is something you experience often, we’re here for you and encourage you to book an appointment with our practice.

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